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Click all the buttons below to download each song if you don't have it somewhere already. Below are the keys and any specifics about the songs. Use the keys I've denoted when it differs from the recording, because those are what we use live. If there's no key, it'll be what's on the recording. Adios.

Current Set List:

Animal (Bb)
Borderland  (C)
Western Thoughts

Slow Down  (C/Dm)
Downtown  (G)
Antler Inn Ballroom  (E)  -  No intro. I'll just strum/talk in & everyone falls in
Still Haven't Said  
Something Less Formal  (G)  -  No weird intro. I'll strum/talk in & everyone falls in
Ashes By Now (Rodney Crowell) (G)
Adolph Hofner
*** Untitled
Better Answer (D)
Martinez Social Club  (Bb)

Native Son  (A)

Deep End (Tell Me Why)  (A)
*** New Waltz
Waiting On Myself

Other Songs:

Almost Gone
Goodbyes & What You Leave Behind
Lost Forever

Current Set List:

Other Songs: